If you would like to contact us for information about how your student or school district might get involved with Happyakrz After School Builders, please feel free to send your comments or queries to:


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Warning: The Happyakrz After School Builders program is intended for older children (4th through 8th grades) and includes small parts
that are small enough to choke a small child. Please be aware and store these parts away from small children.

© 2020-2022 Oikodómos, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Happyakrz After School Builders™ & Happyakrz™ are trademarks of Oikodómos, LLC.
LEGO™ is a registered trademark of The LEGO Group.

Oikodómos, LLC. and Happyakrz After School Builders are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by The LEGO Group.